Friday 15 May 2020

Sismo Samba

Tabletop music making is a fun and accessible way of creating electronic adventures without the need for a soundproofed pro-spec studio – just get in your kitchen and plug in some headphones! The Sismo Samba Desktop is a lovely little analog percussion synth with tonnes of features and connections to interface with other musical gear, well built for some rugged rhythm sessions!

This semi-modular percussion synth with 6 sequencers, 5 sinewave generators and a whopping 6 oscillators – each with a choice of triangle and square waves. This makes for an awesome selection of audio out, cv in, and frequency changing controls to patch internally or to send to other modular destinations. Listen below to hear the groovy minimal goodness this box has to offer.

It can be sync’d to other gear to act as your primary percussion, and would be prime for running through some outboard effects. It comes fully built with a power supply included, and covers roughly 31 x 15 x 13 cm of your kitchen work surface – just keep it away from the sink!

The Samba percussion synth is sold by Sismo Sounds who are based in Portugal, check out their store for more electronic goodies. Check out the SoundCloud links below to hear what it can do!

The post Sismo Samba appeared first on Tindie Blog.


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