Tuesday 12 May 2020

Teensy Breakout Board for MIDI interfacing!

Programming your own musical interfaces is getting more and more accessible, with the advent of the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Teensy boards to create your own musical hardware. This MIDI Breakbout Board is an attachment for the Teensy which puts 10 MIDI sockets at your disposal, with MIDI in and out to communicate to your synths, effects units, and drum machines.

The Teensy does a great job as a high fidelity audio processor as well as being perfect for sending and receiving data. This addition to the board connects real-world MIDI devices to the Teensy, allowing for MIDI merging, splitting, filtering or sequencing – depending on what you want to make. You can trigger synths with a sequence of MIDI notes, control the speed of Drum Machines via MIDI Clock, or send Control Changes to any outboard device!

This breakout board is compatible with Teensy 4 and is powered from the Teensy itself. It comes as a PCB alone for total construction (see the attached BOM), a kit of full parts, and there’s an add-on option with acrylic panels as an enclosure.

The Teensy MIDI Breakout Board is sold by Deft Audio who are based in the USA. Other boards are available for earlier Teensy models from their shop!

The post Teensy Breakout Board for MIDI interfacing! appeared first on Tindie Blog.

source https://blog.tindie.com/2020/05/teensy-breakout-board-midi-interfacing/

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