Monday 8 June 2020

An 8-ball DIY Kit Powered by the Sun!


The Magic 8-Ball was a popular novelty toy when I was a kid. You’d ask it yes or no questions, shake the ball, then turn it over to reveal the answer to your question. The Solar 8 Ball is a new take on the Magic 8-ball!

The Solar 8 Ball Soldering Kit is a DIY kit to create your very own 8-ball to seek answers to your burning questions. Once assembled, just shake it to awaken it. The device is solar-powered and can be place in a sunny window to charge, it automatically goes into sleep mode while not being used.

Each device has eight Charlieplexed LEDs, each next to a printed phrase that each roll may land on:

  • Ask again later
  • Don’t count on it
  • My sources say no
  • Outlook good
  • Reply hazy, try again
  • Signs point to yes
  • Without a doubt
  • You may rely on it

While assembly is required, each kit contains all the parts that you need to make a fully functioning Solar 8 Ball, including a pre-programmed ATTiny85 microcontroller that can be reprogrammed using the Arduino IDE if you so desire.

Should you go check out the Solar 8 Ball Soldering Kit? …My sources say yes!

The post An 8-ball DIY Kit Powered by the Sun! appeared first on Tindie Blog.


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