Tuesday 14 July 2020

Using ublox GPS for Greater Precision

One of our goals this year is to get to know more about the awesome things people are creating with our products, so we’ve started collecting stories from our community and will be sharing them here.

First up is Anker Berg-Sonne, who, when faced with the option of buying something to fit his needs or building it himself chose to take the DIY route.

Datalogger Cross-View

While pursuing his passion of autocross, Berg-Sonne found himself in need of an inexpensive, high precision and upgradable data logger. To fit his needs, he turned to the SparkFun GPS Breakout - Chip Antenna, SAM-M8Q (Qwiic).

Continue reading his story to find out how his current data logger design works, as well as revisions he has planned for the future.

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