Friday, 21 August 2020

Automated lawn irrigation with some valves and an Arduino Nano 33 IoT | Arduino Blog

Automatic lawn watering normally means a system that turns on the sprinklers — all the sprinklers — at one time. Due to an irregularly shaped yard and a limited water supply, Sebastian Staacks wanted a bit more granular control.

Staacks’ setup consists of a half dozen Gardena valves, which are housed in underground boxes, while the brains and power supply are screwed to a wooden board on a wall in his garage. An Arduino Nano 33 IoT is employed to activate the sprinklers in six zones with an eight-channel relay bank. Relay channels 1 to 6 correspond to the valves controlling the sprinklers, the seventh is used to trigger the main valve, and the eighth is is not related to this project.

The device operates over WiFi using MQTT via an OpenHAB installation. It also features a pair of buttons and a small OLED screen for manual interface, especially useful when he’s on vacation and someone else is taking care of the house.

Code for the build can be found on GitHub, and more details are available in Staacks’ blog post.

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