Friday 20 November 2020

Make Your Own Mini MIDI Keyboard!

Every synth needs a MIDI device to send it some instruction and in most cases that comes in the form of a keyboard! The MIDI Keyboard Controller is a small DIY kit which allows you to send MIDI to other devices via standard 5-Pin port as well as take incoming MIDI and output musical notes through the on-board speaker.

This MIDI Keyboard controller comes with all the parts you need to make it, and is suitable to a soldering beginner. It’ll output MIDI notes with pitch changes made possible by the knob on the left, which controls pitch bend. The MIDI Keyboard controller is made using an ATMEGA chip which is pre-loaded with the sketch code and Arduino bootloader. It’s powered by 5V USB which can come from a computer or plug adapter and cable (not included).

The MIDI Keyboard Controller responds to and sends note on and note off messages from the MIDI input. It also has a neat feature to take the MIDI in, and output the note pitch from the built in speaker.

The MIDI Keyboard Controller is sold by Data Point Limited who are a new Tindie seller based in Portsmouth on the south coast of England.


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