Monday 2 November 2020

Unique Flashing Geocache Kit

Many of the millions of geocache worldwide are simple affairs, plastic boxes or perhaps a fake stone but this idea for a unique geocache really caught our eye.

Geocaching is a global phenomenon billed as “the worlds largest treasure hunt”. Participants have hidden millions of cunning geocaches and using a free app, others use clues and maps to find boxes of interesting things (known as caches) and log what they have found. It’s a fabulous, healthy hobby that can take people to really interesting places.

This, simple to assemble, through-hole electronics kit creates a geocache that will only reveal itself when light from a torch (flashlight to our American readers) shines on it. The kit uses easy to handle larger components and would make an excellent kit to assemble for a beginner or a first time solderer.

Available in numerous colours this kit has various modes for both testing the cache and also how it acts as a beacon, ranging from flashing regularly to only flashing when a torch light directly hits the sensor. You can see the range of colours and the brightness of the beacon LED’s in the video below


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