Monday 15 March 2021

Make Your Kicks Go Boom!

The kick drum is both the underpinning element and driving force behind most conventional electronic music tracks – it’s depth and clarity can make or break a mix. The Big Boom is a back to basics kick drum module which offers the sub sonic kaboom your bass drums need, as well as functioning as an electronic tom!

The Big Boom is a small 6HP eurorack module which can be triggered manually or sequenced by external CV signals. It has controls for tuning and decay to shape the sound for the desired frequency range and impact – capable of reaching up to your hi tom range and low down to sub sonic level. More reason to buy a couple and get a drum kit together!

It comes fully completed and tested with a power cable – utilizing a dual Op-Amp circuit to make the boom bloom. It also has a handy LED to show you when the Boom is happening but I imagine you should be able to tell with your ears!

The Big Boom is sold by Swizzle Circuits who are based in the USA – find out more about it on their Swizzle Circuits website and check out the demo below to see it in action.


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