Monday 5 April 2021

Bio Degradable Quadcopter Chassis

We are intrigued by this bio degradable composite quadcopter chassis kit from Breznik Natural Fiber Composites.

Made from a composite of PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) and Linen cloth this quadcopter drone chassis kit contains no petrochemicals. It’s a 650mm airframe so it’s in the realm of being built as a payload carrying quadcopter for aerial photography and more. They state that the natural fibre composite is suitable for gluing with epoxies or superglue and are trying to discover more environmentally friendly adhesives. It’s freely machinable so it’s perfect for a DIY build where you might want to add extra holes to mount your running gear and payloads. The kit is sold without the 3d printed connecting parts and the motor mounts but the files to 3D print these, using PLA, are available for download here.

Finally, it’s not just environmentally friendly, it’s pretty lightweight for its class, with a fully assembled frame using M2.5 stainless fasteners weighing in at 350grams.


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