Monday 14 June 2021

Gameboy Link Cable Breakout Board

We love all of the vibrant communities out in the wild still hacking older hardware platforms. There’s no better example community than those working with Nintendo Gameboys! This PCB breakout is designed to make tinkering a little easier on the later iterations of the Gameboy family that came after the original DMG model.

The PCB breakout works with the link cable connector for the Gameboy color, Advance and Advance SP.  A couple of dots on the silkscreen layer orient the PCB correctly and it breaks out all the link cable connections. The connections include a serial input and output, a clock, the SD ‘data flow’ as well as power connections. Be aware thought that not all link cables were created equal and some don’t have the power lines connected.

Sold as a pair of PCB’s, each with a set of headers, these make it simple to get your Gameboy system connected to a breadboard or your favourite microcontroller. There’s a wealth of information on interfacing with the device here.

The Gameboy Color/Advance/SP Link Cable Breakout Board is sold by Vaguilar who are based in Belmont Calironia. Here’s a demo of a Gameboy Advance SP in some serial communication action:


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