Tuesday 8 June 2021

Mini Crypto Price Ticker

If you buy, sell, hold, trade, or otherwise have some interest in cryptocurrency, you may find yourself checking your phone or computer to get the latest update a little too often. For an easy way to check ticker prices–without having them brightly flashed in your face–Veeb has created PAULINE, an ePaper-based ticker that… ticks all of the right boxes.

The device, as documented on GitHub, runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero W, connected to a Waveshare 2.7 inch monochrome ePaper display. This allows it to show a crypto coin’s value–e.g. Bitcoin, Dodgecoin, Ethereum, and the like, as compared to the cryptocurrency of your choosing–USD, EUR, GBP, etc. To make adjustments, you simply log on via SSH, and change the config.yaml file as shown in the video below. The underlying code is written in Python, so if you need to make changes beyond the configuration file, there’s no reason this can’t be done either.

The device comes in a variety of frame colors, and you can even choose the color of the screws & bolts, as well as that of the Micro USB cable powering it. While this kind of display would be something of a luxury, but with all the money you can theoretically make by getting timely updates on your favorite currencies, perhaps it’s worth it!

source https://blog.tindie.com/2021/06/epaper-cryptocurrency-price-ticker/

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