Friday 16 July 2021

The Pocket CV Sequencer!

Fans of American Psycho will know how obsessive some people are about their business card –  ensuring it’s adorned with the most memorable designs and loaded with subtle hints of greatness. The Division 6 Business Card Sequencer is one product which Patrick Bateman would kill for, loaded with music-making features and capable of outputting CV to external synths!

On the face of it, this business card-sized sequencer has all you need to trigger external gear – with 3 octaves of CV range, multiple sequence memories, and variabel loop lengths up to 16 steps! It’s available as a kit, as a PCB only or as a fully assembled unit – making it an ideal project whatever your skill level. This latest model of the sequencer allows for live transposing of outputted notes, as well as a song-mode to string together numerous patterns into a cohesive piece.. or noisecore monstrosity!

They’ve supplied full operation instructions on their website and have a full rundown of features there too. This miniature sequencer is really giving Pocket Operators a run for their money, it could be time to build a diminutive porta-studio!

The Division 6 Business Card Sequencer is sold by Synthrotek who re based in the USA, and offer a splendid range of audio goodies. Watch the sequencer in action in the video below:


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