Tuesday, 17 August 2021

This overengineered robotic clock will not be underappreciated | Arduino Blog

Normally when an inexpensive wall clock stops ticking, you simply buy a new one. However, ‘Developer Hendrik’ decided to bring his broken clock back to life, or some semblance thereof, using a 3D-printed four-axis robot arm dubbed “Serworm Michael.”

Under the control of a MKR 1010 WiFi and DYNAMIXEL MKR Shield, along with a Raspberry Pi, Serworm Michael is set up to push the minute hand into the next position. Five DYNAMIXEL XL330-M288-T servos drive the robot, which are programmed by physically moving the arm and using a command line interface.

You can see it in action in the video below, while more details on Serworm Michael are available on GitHub.

The post This overengineered robotic clock will not be underappreciated appeared first on Arduino Blog.

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