Monday 25 October 2021

A Sound Reactive Coloured Light!

Musicians and makers alike often get inspired by turning their sounds into magnificent light shows! The Color Organ Sound Activated Light is a great solution for any household or performance-related illumination needs, and it’s much smarter than many LED strips.

In my experience, the ‘sound mode’ on basic LED strips can appear messy or anticlimactic. However, the Color Organ Sound Activated Light is a stunning piece of hardware that responds to three different frequency bands in your music. Take a look at the below video to see just how responsive these lights are;


This light sequencer comes with a variety of options to control your light show. Ranging from transitions based on the frequency (pitch), to an innovative ‘beat detection’ mode that will sequence the lights according to the tempo of your track – through identiication of the transients (the loud bits to you and me).

With each bulb responding to different frequency bands, the light shows created are very responsive and strongly represent the music. The red light, focusing on the low frequencies, responds very well to the kick drum. The white light, on the high frequencies, flashes in time with the hi-hats. The yellow light in the middle covers the mid-range frequencies – this includes sounds such as guitars, synths, or vocalists, and will often follow the singer’s vocal pattern.

The color sequencer interprets music using either the built-in microphone or a line-in jack, and can move between its patterns automatically or manually. Please note, that this is a high voltage device, so can control very bright lighting if you need it for a performance!

The seller, mc_kit is an independent company based out of Haskovo, Bulgaria. They’ve been selling on Tindie for some time, and are well-reviewed by our customers for their wide variety of color organ options.


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