Thursday 28 October 2021

Five Step Arpeggiator For AE Modular!

Ascending and descending arpeggios are one of the most glorious sounds in music, especially electronic music – used in everything from Kraftwerk to Techno and Trap to Chip Music. Step up then, Kurt’s Five Steps – Arpeggiator for AE Modular – a small-form machine for those glistening melodic rolls, with a collection of controls for tweaking the outputted notes to your taste.

This AE modular arpeggiator outputs a stepped CV for sending to synths and sound sources – adorned with ballet dancers who each represent a step in the sequence. If you’re not familiar with AE Modular, it’s a format created to provide a cost-effective alternative to other modular systems, while being limited to 5V of power – making it smaller and therefore more mobile. This particular model is offered at a cut down price due to there being a mistake in the order of knobs, which (from top-to-bottom) are numbered 1, 5, 4, 3 then 2. However, this won’t stop you having a blast using it!

The unit itself has inputs for root note, steps, triggers and mutes – for varying the note changes and speeds, to sync up with other AE modular gear. This Five Step Arpeggiator is sold by Keurslager Kurt who are based in Belgium, and offer four modules for music making – we can’t wait to see more!


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