Tuesday 26 October 2021

Red Rocket LED Earrings!

Are you really planning to go to that party without wearing a single LED!? Impress your friends with these TO-THE-MOON rocket earrings – the ultimate way to show off your geeky dress sense and set the tone for an intergalactic party to remember.

The four bright-yellow LEDs below the engine live on a brilliantly-designed red solder mask PCB inspired by the popular rocket emoji. The secret behind these flashy LEDs is a beautiful animation engine which cycles between four miniature light shows, performed at the end of your ears! This device is cleverly run using the ATtiny412, one of the smallest microcontrollers, making it convenient for wearables – and powered by 1225 coin cell batteries.

One of the largest components on the earring is actually the push button, which is used to cycle between the four light shows: launch, thrusting, burnout, and coasting. Set your preferred mode depending on how the party is going! You’ll get a battery life of up to 50 hours in launch mode and a stratospheric 150 hours in thrusting mode.

California STEAM are an independent company based in California, USA. They’ve been selling on Tindie for a good while now and are real professionals in the wearable tech sector. To the moon, guys! Why not check out their Tindie storefront for even more awesome electronic earrings and wearables?

source https://blog.tindie.com/2021/10/to-the-moon-rocket-pair-of-earrings/

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