Wednesday 27 October 2021

SquishBox: Pi Powered MIDI Synth!

Making music with MIDI is a really fun and accessible way to express your inner electronic synth-self, and if you have a Raspberry Pi lying around, all the better! The SquishBox Kit – 4xUSB MIDI synth/sound module is a portable effects pedal, designed to be used with the world best-selling micro computer to create all kinds of beats and melodies with a wealth of free instruments!

This is the kit version of the Squishbox from the same seller – which you can assemble and solder yourself, with the addition of your own Raspberry Pi, SD card, power supply, and enclosure. Put them together and you’re ready to rock out, MIDI style! The SD card should be loaded with the free FluidSynth and uses soundfonts – a common and and freely available and editable format of all types of synthetic and acoustic sounds. These soundfonts enable you to load and play drums, basses, synths, keyboards and even vocal sounds – by sending MIDI messages to the pedal.

You’ll find 4 USB slots on your Raspberry Pi which can each be used to send MIDI notes to the pedal. The SquishBox kit is sold by Geek Funk Labs who are based in the USA – and offer a nice selection of musical MIDI devices. See the SquishBOx in action here:


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