Monday 8 November 2021

Complete Raspberry Pi Mini Computer!

Raspberry Pi single-board computers are truly fantastic devices, able to run Linux at a very reasonable price in one compact package. The problem, if you can call it that, is that you have to supply your own keyboard/mouse/monitor/etc for interfacing. So your $10 Pi Zero W, or now $15 Pi Zero 2 W, setup may end up costing quite a bit more.

To be fair, you’ve probably got a spare keyboard/mouse lying around, but what if you wanted to make an all-in-one setup as a sort of “Pi Game Boy?” This could be a fun project, but if you don’t want to start from scratch then check out the Zepir Mini  Computer HAT from Peter Misenko, AKA Bobricius.

The device is a clever combination of two stacked circuit boards that present the user with a compact keyboard, along with a 2″ 320×240 IPS screen and a speaker. A Raspberry Pi plugs in on the back of the boards; the combination of which is essentially a rather involved HAT, creating a miniature Linux terminal.

Misenko is quick to note that this is an experimental device, so you’ll need to do some development and hacking to get it working properly, and the keyboard is somewhat limited. However, if you’re up to the challenge, it could be a great little terminal interface that could perhaps be used to control some other experimental setup!


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