Wednesday 22 December 2021

Create Intricate Patterns With Miniature Electronics!

The spirograph, or more specifically, the spiro, as described in its product listing, makes a myriad of geometric patterns from simply changing a few small settings. Electronics are minimal, including a power supply, motor, and switch, leaving the drawing magic up to an adjustable linkage and gear system. The setup is quite easy to assemble, and even comes with the motor pre-soldered.

As seen in the video below, once a pen is fixed in place, the turntable assembly spins a piece of paper around, while the pen oscillates back and forth in an assigned, but interesting pattern. The device is described as being ‘small and light to carry around and gives hours of fun for children to play with’.

Adults would no doubt find this gizmo fascinating as well as children. If this device evokes thoughts of Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest, creator mectok is apparently no stranger to such contraptions either, creating Crab-ble, a small Strandbeest-style walking table too.


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