Monday, 24 January 2022

Control & Log Data From A Rocket!

Model rocketry, for many, means stuffing a motor and parachute inside a cardboard tube-based kit, igniting it externally, then watching it soar into the air. As fun as that can be, to upgrade your rocketry experience, check out the Rockit flight computer from Dan Invents.

The device features a powerful RP2040 microcontroller for processing. An MS5637 barometric-based altimeter is used for flight tracking, along with an accelerometer that can measure up to 22.6g on the main axis of the rocket, and 16g in a perpendicular orientation. The device can  sense temperature values and has a microSD card slot for data logging, allowing you to review flight data later.

The Rockit flight computer can also be used to control parachute deployment via two servo motors (or, in theory, other functions). These can be set up for automatic altitude-based deployment, or on a timer, and the start/end servo positions can also be adjusted as needed. A battery connector/charger is also provided onboard, as well as a piezo buzzer, useful to help find your rocket after a flight.

The Rockit logger/controller comes with a micro USB port for programming, allowing you to change the overall behavior of this device to suit your needs. The code and more info is available on GitHub.


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